
I lead research at Metagov. Before that, I completed my doctorate (and postdoc) in computer science at Oxford, and held fellowships at Stanford (at the Digital Civil Society Lab), Princeton (in the CS department), and MIT (in the math department). My work explores the intersection between artificial and collective intelligence. In particular, I am interested in how to apply higher math, especially category theory and sheaf theory, to the design of complex intelligent systems ranging from AI to human organizations. I also conduct more applied research on the governance of online communities.

For an updated list of publications and preprints, please see my CV. My work has been funded by the NSF, Ford Foundation, Omidyar, Sloan, EPSRC, EU Next Generation Internet, Henry Luce Foundation, One Project, NIST, Ethereum Foundation, Optimism Foundation, and others.



I am currently collecting my thoughts and questions into a summary of my research (the first version was my master’s thesis); any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! The paper is modeled on this paper by Andreas Holmstrom.

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